Calming your mind is the single most effective way to help you get to sleep and stay asleep. Easier aid than done, usually. But here are some surprising things that may help you to calm your thoughts and get that much needed rest.

Don’t Sleep

Counterintuitive for sure, but trying to not sleep can trick your brain into actually falling asleep. Trying too hard to sleep is usually what makes people unable to fall asleep due to the stress and anxiety of not being able to fall asleep, creating a vicious circle. Forcing yourself to lay in bed while trying to stay awake, will make you eventually unintentionally doze off. This phenomenon is called paradoxical intention

Focus On Your Mornings

Your morning routine may have a bigger impact on your sleep than you think. Once your alarm goes off, the first thing you should try to do is get some light. This will both cue your body into knowing it’s time to be awake and set your internal clock to know when it’s time to go to sleep. Keeping a consistent wake-sleep schedule will make it easier for you to fall asleep at night.

Let Yourself Worry

Giving yourself time to worry and allowing yourself to really feel those feelings earlier in the day can make it easier later at night to fall asleep. Take around 15 minutes to write the worries down in a notebook, then you can get them out in the world instead of taking up space in your mind.

Think About Nature

Nature is known to reduce stress and relax us. It can decrease muscle tension, lower blood pressure, and reduce our heart rates. Try remembering the last time you were in nature. Maybe a camping trip, or a hike, or a walk through a natural area. Even things like the last time you started or were at a bon fire, or the last time you were out on the porch at night can help. Actually doing these things are even better for helping you sleep.

Focus On The Sound Of Your Breath

Slow and deep breathing is known to relax the body and mind and can help you to fall asleep. Focusing on your breath can also help you to take your mind off of other thoughts, concerns, and worries. Trying 4-7-8 breathing may be a way to help you fall asleep.

Exhaust Your Mind, Not Your Body

While exercising in general can help you sleep, exercising directly for bed specifically to try to sleep won’t be of much help. Your body may be ready for sleep after a good workout, but it won’t necessarily mean your mind is ready. Try doing something like solving puzzle, reading, socializing, something that really tires out your mind and is mentally engaging.